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All UNISA Modules
- UNISA Accounting and Financial Modules
- MAC3702 Application of Financial Management Techniques
- AIN3701
- AUE3702 Substantive Procedures and Finalising an Audit
- ECS3706 Econometrics
- FIN4802
- INV4801
- RSK4803 Risk Financing
- ECS3701
- TAX3704
- FAC3703
- TAX3761
- TAX3703 Taxation of Estates
- TAX3701
- TAX3702
- FAC3701
- FAC3702
- FAC3704
- UNISA Accounting 1st and 2nd level Modules
- AIN2601
- INV2601 Fundamentals of Investment
- CBC1501
- AIN1501
- TAX1501
- BNU1501
- DSC1630
- AUE2601
- ECS1501
- AUE2602
- ECS1601
- FAC1502
- MAC2602
- FAC1601
- FAC2601
- FAC2602
- IOP1501
- MAC2601
- MNB1501
- TAX2601
- INV2601 Investments: an Introduction
- FAC1501 Introductory Financial Accounting
- FAC1602 Elementary Financial Accounting and Reporting
- FIN2601 Financial Management
- FIN2602 Personal Financial Management
- FIN2603 Finance For Non-Financial Managers
- INV3701 Investments: Equity Asset Valuation
- INV3702 Investments: Fixed Income Analysis
- INV4801 Investments: Portfolio Management
- ECS3703 International Finance
- FIN3701 Financial Management
- FIN3702 Working Capital Management
- MAC3701 Selected Accounting & Financial Management Techniques
- STA1501
- UNISA Bachelor of Arts Modules
- COM2602 - Integrated Organisational Communication
- COM2603 - Intercultural, Development and Health Communication
- COS1521 - Computer Systems: Fundamental Concepts
- DVA2601 - Projects and Programmes as Instruments of Development
- DVA2602 – Community Development and the Basic Needs Approach
- HRV1601: Human Rights
- PSC2601 South African Politics
- APY1501 The Anthropological Study of Culture in a Multicultural Context
- EUP1501 - Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions
- BSM1602 - Business Management IB
- MNM1503 Introduction to Marketing
- CLA1501 Commercial Law IA
- COM2601 - Organisational Communication
- CML1501 Communication Law
- UNISA Criminology Modules
- CMY2603 Selected Topics of Criminal Law
- CMY2604 Dealing with Young Offenders
- CMY2606 - An Introduction to Research Methodology in Criminology
- CMY3708 Qualitative Research Methodology in Criminology
- CMY3709 Quantitative Research Methodology in Criminology
- CMY2602 Principles of Crime Prevention, Reduction and Control
- CMY3704 Formal Reaction to Crime
- CMY2601 Crime Risk Perspectives
- CMY3701 The Explanation of Crime
- CMY3702 Crime Typologies
- CMY3705 Victimology
- CMY3706 Contemporary Criminological Issues
- UNISA Industrial Psychology Modules
- IOP2607 - Work Group Dynamics and Diversity
- IOP3708 Investor Psychology
- IOP2605 Human Capacity Development
- HRIOP84 – Research Report: Employee and Organisational Wellness
- HRIOP86 Research Report in Employment Relations
- IOP2608 - Forensic Industrial Psychology
- IOP2608 – Forensic Industrial Psychology
- HMEMS80 Research Methodology
- IOP2601 Organisational Research Methodology
- IOP2602 Organisational Psychology
- IOP2603 Ergonomics
- IOP2604 Psychological Adjustment in the Work Context
- IOP3701 Industrial Psychological Testing and Assessment
- IOP3702 Personnel Psychology: Organisational Entry
- IOP3703 Career Psychology
- IOP3704 Employment Relations
- IOP3705 Organisational Development and Change
- IOP3706 Personnel Psychology: Employee Retention
- IOP3707 Psychology of Leadership
- IOP4861 Industrial Psychological Assessment
- IOP4862 Managerial and organizational psychology
- IOP4863 Career psychology
- UNISA Psychology Modules
- Psychology Honours UNISA
- CAD1501
- COM1501
- UNISA Psychology First level Modules
- PYC2605 HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling
- PYC3701 Social Psychology
- PYC1501 Basic Psychology
- PYC1502 Psychology in Society
- PYC2601 Personality Theories
- PYC2602 Child and Adolescent Development
- PYC2603 Adulthood and Maturity
- PYC2604 Community Psychology: Re-Imagining Community
- PYC2606 Basic Measurement and Questionnaire Design
- PYC3703 Cognition: Thinking, Memory and Problem Solving
- PYC3704 Psychological Research
- PYC3705 Transformative Counselling Encounters
- PYC3702 / PYC3712 Abnormal Behaviour and Mental Health
- PYC3716 Community psychology: Working for change
- Unisa Education Modules
- Bachelor of education (Second Year)
- Bachelor of education (Third and Fourth Year)
- EDS3701 Educational Studies
- FMT3701
- IFP3701 - Inclusive education in Foundation Phase
- OTE2601 Orientation to teaching Economic and Management Sciences
- PDU3701
- PES3701 physical education and sports coaching
- RDF2601
- SAE3701 South African Education System
- TPN2602 - Teaching Practice for Intermediate Phase II
- BTE2601
- CIC2601 Computer Integration in the Classroom
- CUS3701 Curriculum Studies
- ENC1501 English Teaching for Communication
- INC3701 Inclusive Education
- SED2601 Sociology of Education
- CSP4801 - Curriculum Studies and Psychology of Education
- DPP1501 - Diversity, Pedagogy and Practice
- ENG2613
- EST1501 - Academic Proficiency in English for student Teachers
- FPT3701 - Foundation Phase Teaching
- INC4804 - Strategies to Support Leaners with Diverse Needs
- LPENGTS - Language Proficiency (English Communication for Education)
- MIP1501: mathematics
- MTE1501 mathematics 1 for teachers
- NST1501 - Natural Science and Technology for Classroom I
- NST2601 Natural Science and Technology for classroom III
- TMN3702
- TMN3703 Teaching life skills
- TMS3708
- TMS3719
- TMS3725 - Teaching Mathematics in Further Education and Training
- TPN2601 - Teaching practice for Intermediate Phase I
- TPS3704 - Teaching Practice for Senior Phase IV
- UNISA Education First Level Modules
- UNISA Law Modules
- UNISA Law Modules First Year
- AFL1501 Language through an African lens
- CMY1502
- CRW1501 Introduction to the General Principles of Criminal Law
- FAC1503 Financial Accounting Principles for Law Practitioners
- HFL1501 The History of the Foundations of South African Law
- IRM1501 Introduction to Research Methodology
- LIN1502
- PLS1501 (Introduction to Western Philosophy)
- PLS1502 Introduction To African Philosophy
- CPD1501 Citizenship
- PAR1501 Introduction to Paralegal Studies
- SJD1501 Social Dimensions of Justice
- CLA1502 Commercial Law IB
- CLA1503 Commercial Law IC
- CMY1501
- ILW1501 Introduction to Law
- FAC1503
- PVL1501 Law of Persons
- SCL1501
- UNISA Law Modules Second Year
- ADL2601 Administrative Law
- LLW2602 Collective Labour Law
- SSL2601 Social security law
- CRW2601 General Principles of Criminal Law
- CSL2601 Constitutional Law
- LLW2602 Individual Labour Law
- CRW2602 Criminal Law: Specific Crimes
- MRL2601 Entrepreneurial Law
- IOS2601 Interpretation of statutes
- LLW2601 Individual Labour Law
- PVL2601 Family Law
- PVL2602 Law of Succession
- LEG2601
- IND2601 Indigenous Public Law
- FUR2601 Fundamental Rights
- UNISA Law Modules Third Year
- EDL3703 Education Law
- LEV3701 Law of Evidence
- LEV3701 Law of Evidence
- MRL3702 Labour Law
- CPR3701 Criminal Procedure
- LME3701 Legal Research Methodology
- PVL3703 Law of Delict
- PVL3704 Enrichment Liability and Estoppel
- CIV3701 Civil Procedure
- MRL3702
- PVL3702 Law of Contract
- MRL3701 Insolvency Law
- PVL3701 Law of Property
- UNISA Fourth level Law Modules
- LCP4801 International law
- LCP4804 Advanced Indigenous Law
- LCP4805 Environmental Law
- LCP4809 Education Law
- LJU4802 Professional Ethics
- LJU4804 - Private International Law
- LML4801 - Patent And Copyright Law
- LML4805 Insurance Law
- LML4806: Company Law
- LML4807 Banking law and usage
- LPL4802 Law of Damages
- LPL4804 Conveyancing
- LPL4805 Notarial Practice
- RRLLB81 Research Report
- TLI4801 Techniques in trial and litigation
- LCR4805
- LJU4801 Legal philosophy
- LCR4802 Medical Law
- LCR4803 Media law
- LML4802 The Law of Competition and Trademarks
- LJU4802 Professional Ethics
- LPL4801 Law of Sale and Lease
- LCP4801 International law
- UNISA Law Modules First Year
- FLS1502
- ICT2612
- MNE3701
- STA1502
- TRL3701
- All UNISA Modules
- ENG3701
- ISR3702
- ICT3611
- MNE3704
- AAH1501
- ADB1602: Administrative Management IB
- AED3701
- AIN3701 Automation and data analysis
- APM3700
- APT4801
- AUE1601
- AUE3701
- AUI3702 – The Internal Audit Process: Test of Controls
- AUI4862
- BSW1501
- BSW3701 - Case Work: Theories, Approaches and Models
- BSW3702
- Business Management
- BWE1501
- CHE1501
- CMP3701
- COM3702
- COS1512
- COS2601
- COS3701
- COS3711 – Advanced Programming
- COS3751
- DPR1505
- DPR2604
- ECS1500 – Economics 1500
- ECS2606
- ECS4861
- EDAHOD5- The Educator as Assessor
- ELE1501
- ENG1502
- ENG1515
- ENG2611
- ENG2614 - Applied English Literature for Intermediate Phase Home Language
- FBE2604
- FIS1601
- GGH2604 - People and the Environment
- HES4810
- HSY1511 - Africa in the World Historical Perspectives
- HSY2601
- ICA1501
- ICH4801 - International, Comparative and History of Education
- INC4801
- INC4805 - Research in Inclusive Education
- INF1505 – Introduction to Business Information Systems
- INF3720 – Human-Computer Interaction II
- ISC3701 - Instructional Studies
- ISC3701 - Instructional studies
- ISR3701 Non-Life Insurance
- LAH3701
- LML4810
- MAC3701
- MAC3702
- MAT1510
- MAT1581 – Mathematics I (Engineering)
- MAT2611 Linear Algebra
- MNE3701 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- MNG2602
- MNG3701
- MNM3701
- MNM3709 - Strategic Marketing
- MNM3712 – Customer Relationship Management
- MTE1501
- PAC2602 Paralegal Advice Centre
- PSE4801 - Philosophy and Sociology of Education
- PUB1501
- PUB1601
- RCE2601
- RSE4801 - Research in Education
- RSK2602
- RSK4802
- RSK4804: Credit Risk Management
- RSK4805 Market Risk
- SCH4801: Supply Chain Management
- SCK4803
- SDH4701
- SSL2601
- TMN3701
- TMN3704
- TMN3705
- TPN3703
- TPS3703
- TRL3703
- TRL4864 - Integrated Logistics Management
- VAP2601 - Visual and Performing Arts
- MNG3701 Strategic Planning IIIA
- MNG3702 Strategic Implementation and Control IIIB
- LSB2605
- ADL2601
- DSC2602
- DSC3703
- AIN1501 Accounting Information Systems in a Computer Environment
- ECS2605
- AUE1501: Introduction to Auditing
- AUE1601 Legal Aspects in Accountancy
- BSM1501 Business Management IA
- HRM2602: Human Resource Maintenance and Retention
- ICT2622
- INF1511 Visual Programming I
- MNP2603 Supplier Relationship Management
- INF1520 Human-Computer Interaction I
- CIP2601 General Principles of Civil Procedure
- INF3708 Software Project Management
- CLA2602
- IOP1504 Workforce Diversity
- CRP3701 Criminal Procedure
- ECS1500 Economics 1500
- EDT1601 Child Development
- ENG1503 Academic Language and Literacy in English
- MNE2601
- TRL3709
- HEC101V Health Education
- HRBUS85: Research Project in Human Resource Management
- HRD1501 Introduction To Human Resource Development
- MNG301A Strategic Planning
- HRM3706: Performance Management
- ICT2621: Structured Systems Analysis and Design
- MNO3701
- INT4801 International Business
- LRM4801 Advanced Labour Relations Management
- LSK3701 Life Skills Science and Technology in Foundation Phase
- MAC3761 Management Accounting III
- MAT1512
- MGG2601 Marriage Guidance and Counselling
- RSK4801
- MGG2601 Marriage Guidance and CounsellingHome>
- SAE3701 South African Education System
- MGG2602 Sexual Trauma
- MNE3702 – Corporate Entrepreneurship
- MNG2601 General Management
- MNG4801 - Strategic Management
- Pychology
- MNM2605 – Consumer Behaviour
- PED3701 Psychology of Education
- PRM3701 Project Management
- Public Participation and Democracy
- SCK2601 Facilitative Communication in Groups and Community
- SCK3702 Social Group Work
- SCK3703 Community Work
- THL1501 - Introduction to Theory of Literature
- TRL3702 Transport Planning and Investment
- Visual. Arts
- CBC1501 Communication in Business Contexts
- RME101Q Research Methodology
- DSC1520 Quantitative Modelling I
- COS1511 Introduction to Programming I
- CRW1501 Introduction to the General Principles of Criminal Law
- CSL2601 Constitutional Law
- HRD2602 – Training and Development Practice
- HRM3703 HR Information Systems and Technology
- ECS204
- ECS2601 Microeconomics
- ICT2621
- ECS2602 Macroeconomics
- ECS2603 South African Economic Indicators
- ECS2604 Labour Economics
- ECS2607 Economics of Tourism
- INF1505 Introduction to Business Information Systems
- EDDHODJ The Educator as Learning Programme Developer
- INF3703 Databases II
- INF3705 Advanced Systems Development
- Education
- INF3707 Database Design and Implementation
- ENG2602 Campbell Poetry: Roy Campbell: The Serf
- ETH302S Inclusive Education A
- ETH303T The Education System and School Management (Educational Themes 303)
- LRM2601
- MAC3701 Application of Management Accounting Techniques
- MAT1503
- MNB3701 Global Business Management IA
- MNB3702 Global Business Management IB
- MNG1502 Management IA
- MNG2602 Contemporary Management Issues
- Economic & Management Sciences
- MNG4801 Strategic Management
- MNM2601
- MNM2602
- MNM2605
- MNO2601 Productions and Operations management
- MNP2602 Supply Chain Management
- HRM2601 Human Resource Provisioning
- MNP3702 Supply Chain Alignment
- HRM2605 Human Resource Management for Line Managers
- HRM3704 Contemporary issues in Human Resource Management
- HRM3705 Compensation Management
- HRM3706 Performance Management
- QMI1500
- SCK1502
- INF3720 Human-Computer Interaction II
- TRL2601 Transport Management I
- TRL2603 Transport Theory
- TRL2604 Integrated Logistics
- IOP1601 Personality in Work Context
- LRM3702 Labour Relations Management: Micro
- MAC1501 Introduction to Management Accounting
- MNB1601 Business Management IB
- MNP2601 Purchasing Management
- MNP3701 Strategic Sourcing
- MNP3703 Supplier Relationship Management
- OPM1501 Orientation to Intermediate Phase Mathematics
- PLS2601 Critical Reasoning
- PLV3701 Law of Property
- PYC2614 Community psychology: Building foundations
- RSC2601: Research in Social Sciences