PYC4809 Portfolio written in 2021, this is great to use as an example and to know what is expected of you. All the best with your studies.
Self- awareness
Freedom and responsibility
Striving for Identity and Relationship to Others
The courage to be
The Experience of Aloneness
The Experience of Relatedness
Struggling with Our Identity
Task 2 -Discuss how can apply Person-centred approach that in my struggle: Therapeutic Goal, The therapist’s function, Therapist role, Relationship between therapist and client, Unconditional positive regard, Congruence, or genuineness, Accurate emphatic understanding.
Task 3: Critical evaluation of a Therapeutic Approach, Limitation of approach.
Task 4: Create an ethical policy document for my counselling practice:
1. Identify a problem or dilemma, 2. Identify the potential issues, 3. Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma, 4. Consider applicable laws and regulations, 5. Consider the potential consequences of all options and determine a course of action, 6. Evaluate the selected course of action, 7. Then decide on what appears to be best possible course of action, 8. Document the reasons for the actions I took as well as the evaluation measures, The core condition of person-centred approach,.
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