NST1502 Assignment 4 (Portfolio) 2024 | Due 8 October 2024. All questions answered.
Energy Basics [18 marks]
Define and explain the different forms of energy, providing real-world examples for each. (Focus on the following forms of energy; Kinetic energy; potential energy; thermal energy; chemical energy; electrical energy, light energy, and sound energy). (14)
Discuss the concept of energy transformation, giving examples of how one form of energy can be converted into another. (4)
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources [18 Marks]
2.1 Compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources in terms of availability, environmental impact, and sustainability. (6)
2.2 Provide three examples of renewable and non-renewable energy
sources. (6)
2.3 Discuss three environmental impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. (6)
Energy Conservation [16 Marks]
3.1 Explain the importance of energy conservation in our daily lives. (5)
Distribution of marks:
Elaborate on the significance of conserving energy in our daily routines.
2 marks
Discuss the implications of energy conservation on a personal, societal, and global scale.
3 marks
3.2 Provide practical tips and strategies for reducing energy consumption in residential settings. (5)
Distribution of marks:
Offer specific, actionable advice for individuals to reduce their energy usage at home.
2 marks
Include tips on energy-efficient appliances, insulation, and behavioural changes.
3 marks
3.3 Provide practical tips and strategies for reducing energy consumption in industrial settings. (6)
Distribution of marks:
Discuss energy-saving strategies for industries and commercial operations.
3 marks
Highlight the benefits of adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices.
3 marks
Electrical Circuits and Control Systems [17 Marks]
4.1 Describe the role of components such as resistors, capacitors, and
conductors. (6)
4.2 Explain how electrical energy is transferred in an electrical circuit. (5)
Distribution of marks:
Discuss the flow of electrical energy within a circuit.
2 marks
Clarify the concept of voltage, current, and electrical power in a circuit.
3 marks
4.3 Differentiate between open-loop and closed-loop control systems. (4)
4.4 Provide examples of open-loop and closed-loop control systems. (2)
Learning Styles and Inclusive Teaching [31 Marks]
5.1 Critically discuss the concept of learning styles and provide an overview of different learning style models. (7)
Distribution of marks:
Explain the concept of learning styles.
2 marks
Explain different ways individuals prefer to process and understand information.
1 mark
Provide an overview of different learning style models, such as VARK, Kolb’s model, etc.
4 marks
5.2 Explain the strengths and limitations of identifying and catering to different learning styles in educational settings. (4)
Distribution of marks:
Detail the advantages and disadvantages of recognising and addressing diverse learning styles in the classroom.
4 marks
5.3 Paste evidence of group presentations for week 13/14. Alternatively, post clear evidence of discussion forum engagement in weeks 13 and 14. (20)
[Sub-total: 100]
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