IOS2601 ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 – 2023 (722381) (To be used as a Guideline)


IOS2601 ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 – 2023 (722381)

Question 1

1. With specific reference to section 13(1) of the Interpretation Act 33 of 1957,
what do you understand by the terms “adoption”, and “commencement” of
legislation? (5)

2. List and briefly discuss the requirements which were laid down in National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality v Minister of Home Affairs 2000 (2) SA 1 (CC), before reading-in or severance could take place.

3. Explain the terms “reading-down”, “reading-in” and “severance”. (10)

4. With reference to the case of Commercial Union Assurance Co v Clark 1972 (3) SA 508 (A) and Weenen Transitional Council v Van Dyk 2002 (4) SA 653 (SCA) explain and distinguish between the directory and peremptory provisions. (15)

5. What effect has section 39(2) of the Constitution had on statutory interpretation
in South Africa.


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This document is intended only for comparison, research, guidance and reference purposes. Directly submitting, reselling and distributing of any part of this document is not permitted.


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