INC3701 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (683344)


INC3701 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (683344)


Jane’s story

I remember sending my mother all-round the shopping centre – I must have driven her
mad – to buy me a local school uniform, even though I didn’t go there. I didn’t particularly
like the way I was treated by school staff – special, frail, in need of very special care. My
memories of junior school were not learning to read, add or multiply, nor even how to
keep pets…. no, they were of endless hours of physio, tons of art and craft (this was
recognised as something I could do and would content me in my adulthood, since no
employment was ever envisaged) and pushing myself in my wheelchair down endless
corridors and, consequently being tired.’ Jane Campbell, 1992.

Adapted from Simon Gardner, 1992

9.1.1 Read the Principles of Inclusive Education (Department of Education, 2001, p.18) and
answer the questions below: Identify two (2) words and one (1) phrase used by teachers in the extract from
Jane’s story that suggest that they were still confusing special education with inclusive


INC3701 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (683344)




Jane’s story


I remember sending my mother all-round the shopping centre – I must have driven her

mad – to buy me a local school uniform, even though I didn’t go there. I didn’t particularly

like the way I was treated by school staff – special, frail, in need of very special care. My

memories of junior school were not learning to read, add or multiply, nor even how to

keep pets…. no, they were of endless hours of physio, tons of art and craft (this was

recognised as something I could do and would content me in my adulthood, since no

employment was ever envisaged) and pushing myself in my wheelchair down endless

corridors and, consequently being tired.’ Jane Campbell, 1992.


Adapted from Simon Gardner, 1992


9.1.1 Read the Principles of Inclusive Education (Department of Education, 2001, p.18) and

answer the questions below: Identify two (2) words and one (1) phrase used by teachers in the extract from

Jane’s story that suggest that they were still confusing special education with inclusive


“Be Unique, Be You” This Document is to assist you and Not a Copy-Paste Template. Remember, Ignite Creativity, Not Duplication. Say No to Plagiarism. Use Only as a Guideline!


INC3701 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (683344)




Jane’s story


I remember sending my mother all-round the shopping centre – I must have driven her

mad – to buy me a local school uniform, even though I didn’t go there. I didn’t particularly

like the way I was treated by school staff – special, frail, in need of very special care. My

memories of junior school were not learning to read, add or multiply, nor even how to

keep pets…. no, they were of endless hours of physio, tons of art and craft (this was

recognised as something I could do and would content me in my adulthood, since no

employment was ever envisaged) and pushing myself in my wheelchair down endless

corridors and, consequently being tired.’ Jane Campbell, 1992.


Adapted from Simon Gardner, 1992


9.1.1 Read the Principles of Inclusive Education (Department of Education, 2001, p.18) and

answer the questions below: Identify two (2) words and one (1) phrase used by teachers in the extract from

Jane’s story that suggest that they were still confusing special education with inclusive


“Be Unique, Be You” This Document is to assist you and Not a Copy-Paste Template. Remember, Ignite Creativity, Not Duplication. Say No to Plagiarism. Use Only as a Guideline!

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