
ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285853)



1.1 In paragraph 1, the author states that bullying is a word synonymous with the type of conduct expected in school playgrounds. It is not a word that is usually associated with the workplace. In your own words, discuss 2 plausible factors from the text that may contribute to the prevalence of workplace bullying. Provide 2 of your own examples.

1.2 In your own words, summarise three main points reflected in paragraph 2 and provide at least 1 relevant example from the text and 1 example of your own

1.3 In paragraph 3, the author discusses arbitrary grounds outlined in section 6(1) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (EEA). For your convenience, the section in question is summarised below:
In your own words, discuss 3 subjective or unjustifiable ways in which employees could potentially misuse the Employment Equity Act to their benefit.

1.4 Paraphrase the sentences below and identify 3 distinct ideas associated with the mitigation [reduction] of workplace bullying.

Employers can assist employees who are being bullied at work to report such conduct by implementing the proactive steps outlined in the Code; ensuring that employees are aware that there is a zero tolerance towards bullying and any other form of harassment in that workplace; and assuring that employees who report allegations of any form of harassment will not be victimized or subjected to any reprisals. “It should also be stressed that those employees who make false allegations in bad faith may also be subjected to disciplinary action”.

1.5 Drawing from the context of bullying presented in paragraph 2, do you agree or disagree with the idea that workplace bullying lowers the self-esteem of an employee? In your response, cite two examples from the text.

ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285864)


Question ONE
Text A
Students with disabilities have not been fully welcomed in higher education in spite of litigation, court cases, and positive shifts in public perceptions. The transition from high school to college is challenging for students without disabilities. Students with disabilities often get overlooked by their institution and overwhelmed during this transition, contributing to an achievement gap for these students.

Question TWO.
Text B
A study by Skobba, Moorman, Meyers, White and Tiller (2023) argues that research that focuses on college students with foster care or youth homelessness experience is limited, but the available studies suggest that housing precarity is a challenge (Kinarsky, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). The extent of housing problems among young adults who experienced foster care or homelessness is not well understood and is likely underestimated (Fowler et al., 2009; Gupton, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). While there is a growing recognition of and support for the needs of students who have experienced foster care or homelessness, limited resources often mean that students are left to fend for themselves (Crutchfield et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2018; Klitzman, 2018).


ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285853)



1.1 In paragraph 1, the author states that bullying is a word synonymous with the type of conduct expected in school playgrounds. It is not a word that is usually associated with the workplace. In your own words, discuss 2 plausible factors from the text that may contribute to the prevalence of workplace bullying. Provide 2 of your own examples.

1.2 In your own words, summarise three main points reflected in paragraph 2 and provide at least 1 relevant example from the text and 1 example of your own

1.3 In paragraph 3, the author discusses arbitrary grounds outlined in section 6(1) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (EEA). For your convenience, the section in question is summarised below:
In your own words, discuss 3 subjective or unjustifiable ways in which employees could potentially misuse the Employment Equity Act to their benefit.

1.4 Paraphrase the sentences below and identify 3 distinct ideas associated with the mitigation [reduction] of workplace bullying.

Employers can assist employees who are being bullied at work to report such conduct by implementing the proactive steps outlined in the Code; ensuring that employees are aware that there is a zero tolerance towards bullying and any other form of harassment in that workplace; and assuring that employees who report allegations of any form of harassment will not be victimized or subjected to any reprisals. “It should also be stressed that those employees who make false allegations in bad faith may also be subjected to disciplinary action”.

1.5 Drawing from the context of bullying presented in paragraph 2, do you agree or disagree with the idea that workplace bullying lowers the self-esteem of an employee? In your response, cite two examples from the text.

ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285864)


Question ONE
Text A
Students with disabilities have not been fully welcomed in higher education in spite of litigation, court cases, and positive shifts in public perceptions. The transition from high school to college is challenging for students without disabilities. Students with disabilities often get overlooked by their institution and overwhelmed during this transition, contributing to an achievement gap for these students.

Question TWO.
Text B
A study by Skobba, Moorman, Meyers, White and Tiller (2023) argues that research that focuses on college students with foster care or youth homelessness experience is limited, but the available studies suggest that housing precarity is a challenge (Kinarsky, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). The extent of housing problems among young adults who experienced foster care or homelessness is not well understood and is likely underestimated (Fowler et al., 2009; Gupton, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). While there is a growing recognition of and support for the needs of students who have experienced foster care or homelessness, limited resources often mean that students are left to fend for themselves (Crutchfield et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2018; Klitzman, 2018).


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ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285853)



1.1 In paragraph 1, the author states that bullying is a word synonymous with the type of conduct expected in school playgrounds. It is not a word that is usually associated with the workplace. In your own words, discuss 2 plausible factors from the text that may contribute to the prevalence of workplace bullying. Provide 2 of your own examples.

1.2 In your own words, summarise three main points reflected in paragraph 2 and provide at least 1 relevant example from the text and 1 example of your own

1.3 In paragraph 3, the author discusses arbitrary grounds outlined in section 6(1) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (EEA). For your convenience, the section in question is summarised below:
In your own words, discuss 3 subjective or unjustifiable ways in which employees could potentially misuse the Employment Equity Act to their benefit.

1.4 Paraphrase the sentences below and identify 3 distinct ideas associated with the mitigation [reduction] of workplace bullying.

Employers can assist employees who are being bullied at work to report such conduct by implementing the proactive steps outlined in the Code; ensuring that employees are aware that there is a zero tolerance towards bullying and any other form of harassment in that workplace; and assuring that employees who report allegations of any form of harassment will not be victimized or subjected to any reprisals. “It should also be stressed that those employees who make false allegations in bad faith may also be subjected to disciplinary action”.

1.5 Drawing from the context of bullying presented in paragraph 2, do you agree or disagree with the idea that workplace bullying lowers the self-esteem of an employee? In your response, cite two examples from the text.

ENG1503 ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 – 2024 (285864)


Question ONE
Text A
Students with disabilities have not been fully welcomed in higher education in spite of litigation, court cases, and positive shifts in public perceptions. The transition from high school to college is challenging for students without disabilities. Students with disabilities often get overlooked by their institution and overwhelmed during this transition, contributing to an achievement gap for these students.

Question TWO.
Text B
A study by Skobba, Moorman, Meyers, White and Tiller (2023) argues that research that focuses on college students with foster care or youth homelessness experience is limited, but the available studies suggest that housing precarity is a challenge (Kinarsky, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). The extent of housing problems among young adults who experienced foster care or homelessness is not well understood and is likely underestimated (Fowler et al., 2009; Gupton, 2017; Strayhorn, 2021). While there is a growing recognition of and support for the needs of students who have experienced foster care or homelessness, limited resources often mean that students are left to fend for themselves (Crutchfield et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2018; Klitzman, 2018).


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