EDL3703 Assignment 1 Semester 2 2024 | Due 12 August 2024. Multiple Answers Provided.
Learner P (a Grade 6 learner) approaches Learner K (a Grade 4 learner) during the
compulsory lunch break at Embhuleni Primary School. Ernbhuleni Primary is a public school in
Mpumalanga. Learner P tells Learner K that if she does not hand over her iPhone. She will
“beat her up to a pulp”, Learner K refuses to give Learner P her iPhone, so Learner P starts to
beat her up. The educators on duty break up the brawl and Learner P is escorted to the
principal’s office. Learner P has been a problematic learner for the educators of Embhuleni
Primary since Grade 3 and the principal sick and tired of her disruptive behaviour. He decides
to teach her a lesson by telling her to leave the school and to never come back because she does
not deserve the right to a basic education. He even goes as far as hiring security guards to
prevent her from entering the premises. As a paralegal, Learner P and her parents approach
you for advice this matter. Write a legal opinion in which you comprehensively assess Learner
P’s right to a basic education and whether the actions of the school principal were
adminstratively and constitutionally correct.
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