CSP4801 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (702949)

(2 customer reviews)


CSP4801 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (702949)


1. Explain if the curriculum you teach is positivist, interpretivist, critical, or
poststructuralist – or a combination of these. Give examples from the curriculum
document to support your analysis. (20)

2. Construct a concept map of Curriculum and Knowledge (Textbook (Curriculum
studies: visions and imaginings) pg. 19-21). A concept map shows the most
important concepts and how they are related to each other. A concept map is not a
mind map [see module page CSP4801-23-Y for more information on concept
maps]. (20)

3. Discuss how you use your curriculum document to plan, present and assess your
teaching. Refer to a specific subject and grade. (20)

4. Marketisation of education
4.1 How does Liberalism influence a curriculum? (5)
4.2 How does neo-liberalism influence a curriculum? (5)
4.3 How is “accountability” applied to education? (5)
4.4 Give examples of production and commercial language used in education (5)

5. Create a PowerPoint presentation (5 -10 slides) where present “Cosmopolitanism
and Curriculum” to teachers who have not heard of this yet. Copy your slides into
your Word document answer sheet (see the example below). Do not copy and
paste from the textbook. Do not embed the PowerPoint


2 reviews for CSP4801 ASSIGNMENT 3 – 2023 (702949)

  1. ginakent

    Happy and helping a lot

  2. Halina44

    assignment was informative and well-written

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