Question 1
1.1 Form an interrogative sentence from each of the sentences below. Use the word
provided in the brackets each time. (4)
* Do not change the tenses of the sentences.
1.1.1 Neels speel sokker in die park. (waar)
1.1.2 Sara het die kos gebêre. (wie)
1.1.3 Hulle gaan volgende week weer toer. (gaan)
1.1.4 Nikolas en Pieter werk by Absa. (werk)
Question 2
2.1 Look at the interrogative sentences you formed in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. Based on the
structure of these sentences, explain how we can form questions in Afrikaans using
specific pronouns. [You may answer in English.] (1)
Question 3
3.1 Form a past tense sentence from each of the sentences below. (3)
3.1.1 Ons hoor die musiek.
3.1.2 Hy kook gewoonlik.
3.1.3 Ek sal my toets slaag.
Question 4
4.1 Write down one Afrikaans sentence in the future tense indicating what you want to
do in 2025. (2)
Question 5
5.1 Listen to the sound clip: A6_S1 and answer the questions below in Afrikaans.
5.1.1 Wat is die spreker se naam? [What is the speaker’s name?]
5.1.2 Waar woon die spreker? [Where does the speaker live?]
5.1.3 Waar het die spreker vir drie jaar gebly? [Where did the speaker live for three
5.1.4 Waarheen gaan die spreker oor drie maande? [Where is the speaker going in
three months’ time?]
5.1.5 Wanneer wil die spreker graag haar eie besigheid begin? [When would the
speaker like to start her own business?]
Question 6
6.1 Look at the picture below and write down any two questions about the image in
Afrikaans. (2)
Question 7
7.1 Listen to the sound clip: A6_S2 and identify the correct spelling for the word
pronounced in each group. You can write down only the question number and the
correct spelling. (3)
7.1 Group A: takke / take
7.2 Group B: bome / bomme
7.3 Group C: sommer / somer
Question 8
8.1 Write down the correct plural spelling for the words in brackets to complete each
sentence below. Write down only the question number and the correct plural form. (5)
8.1.1 Kyk hoe baie (leeu) loop oor die pad!
8.1.2 Daar is soveel verskillende (kultuur) hier teenwoordig.
8.1.3 Jy moet al die (baadjie) ophang.
8.1.4 Hierdie hotel het te min (bed).
8.1.5 Daar is soveel (skool) om van te kies.
Question 9
9.1 Identify each of the statements below as either true or false. Write down only the
question number and true or false. (5)
9.1.1 In Afrikaans, all ‘i’ and ‘e’ vowels are pronounced the same.
9.1.2 In Afrikaans, the plural for the word ‘stad’ is ‘stede’.
9.1.3 There are only three separable verbs in Afrikaans, and they are all formed by
combining a verb and a preposition.
9.1.4 Vowels in Afrikaans can be pronounced as short or long sounds.
9.1.5 In Afrikaans, ‘ie’ and ‘oe’ are diphthongs.
Question 10
10.1 Form a past tense sentence from each present tense sentence below.
Specifically, note the rules for using separable verbs in the past tense. In each
sentence, the separable verb has been underlined. (5)
10.1.1 Die kinders trek hulle skoene aan.
10.1.2 Ek gooi die water uit.
10.1.3 Die vergadering vind vandag plaas.
10.1.4 Hy skakel die lig af.
10.1.5 Hy kyk die vrou aan.
Question 11
11.1 Form a future tense sentence from each present tense sentence below.
Specifically, note the rules for using separable verbs in the future tense. In each
sentence, the separable verb has been underlined. (5)
11.1.1 Hierdie besluit stel my teleur.
11.1.2 Hy sien elke week opdragte na.
11.1.3 Die mense kom by die agterdeur in.
11.1.4 Die resultate stel hom teleur.
11.1.5 Ons gaan bietjie uit.
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